Food Pantry Offering Curbside Pick Up

Did you know that the CHA Food Pantry picks up and delivers more than 4,000 pounds of food per week?

The CHA Food Pantry has adapted protocol in response to COVID-19 to keep our patients, staff and volunteers safe during these times.

On April 13, the Pantry went curbside, delivering food orders to patients in their cars, helping to reduce the footprint of people needing to enter the Wells Avenue Health Center. Patients complete their paperwork in the screening tent, and are then directed to a designated parking space to wait.
This change has been successfully implemented with the help of some fabulous community volunteers including:

• Brady – a Reno native and recent Notre Dame graduate applying to med school
• Ray – a community health services representative and partner from Silver Summit Health Plan
• Janelle – a CHA Foundation Board Member
• Olivia – a Reno native and college-junior at the University of San Diego who had to cut her study-abroad in Madrid short to come home
• Rachel – a college student applying to physician assistant school
• Luis – a Reno native and recent pharmacy graduate from Pacific in Oregon

We are grateful for their weekly volunteer hours, which helped us serve more than 580 individuals in April. On average, we fill 33 orders per day. Our pantry numbers have holding steady, although we have seen many of our patients accessing this service for the first time, and the providers are still prescribing Food Prescriptions to help patients treat their medical conditions.

One final shout out to donors who have helped the pantry this month – Grateful Gardens for individual meals, Becky for lettuce from her garden, and Anthem for 500 reusable bags!